Coorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In collaboration with The AMRIT Foundation, the Company has a robust CSR program to support the local community by providing free of cost clean water, organizing periodical medical camps, free vaccination drives and a medical clinic.

We owe it to the beautiful country and peoples of Kenya that Aquila Flowers produces some of the finest roses anywhere in the world. We are proud of our African and Kenyan heritage and in return, we like to give back, in our humble ways that benefit the communities within our location and reach.

Aquila Flowers Clinic + AMRIT Foundation

Aquila Flowers Clinic + AMRIT Foundation text overview

Disabled Wheelchair Facilities Acquisition

Disabled Wheelchair Facilities Acquisition text overview

Bahati Disabled Group

Bahati Disabled Group text overview

Worker's Housing Facilities

Worker's Housing Facilities text overview

Aquia Flowers Day Care Facilities

Aquia Flowers Day Care Facilities text overview.

Aquila Clinic Construction

Aquila Clinic Construction text overview

Fairtrade Premiums

Fairtrade Premiums text overview

Mercy Care Childrens Home

Mercy Care Childrens Home text overview

Export Regions & Market

Need tonnes of flowers exported to you in any continent? Get in touch with our sales team today.

All flowers are sold through Direct Sales. To be able to achieve this our systems are built around principles of consistency, reliability, customer care and best quality. Aquila's flowers grace various countries across Europe, South Africa, Australia, Middle East, and Japan.
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